The management staff at TKFAA involves not only Sifu David Ng, but also include longtime member students who have risen through the ranks as certified instructor/ Black Belts.  These Senior instructors not only help teach the classes, but also aid in management of the school and teaching staff.

Sifu Tom Griffis (member since 1992)

Sifu Tom Griffis is one of TKFAA's original students. He started with us in 1992 at the age of 50 years old and until now he is still involved with helping teach our kids class and supporting the school facilities maintenance. Sifu Tom is an Air Force veteran and is retired from the USPS. He trained in Aikido before joining TKFAA in the fall of 1992. Tom's likes to focus on the solid stance training and the internal chi concepts ofTai Chi/Chi Gung.

Sifu Ken Krulik

Sifu Ken Krulik

Sifu Ken Krulik (Member since 1999)

Sifu Ken Krulik joined Triangle Kung-Fu Arnis Academy in October 1999 after moving from the Washington DC metropolitan area in September 1999.  Prior to joining the school his martial arts training began in 1984 in Tang Soo Do (Korean Karate) and Ju-Jitsu with Tompkins Karate Association of Gaithersburg, MD where he earned the rank of 2nd Dan in 1994.  

Since joining Triangle Kung-Fu Arnis Academy he earned the rank of 1st Degree Black (Sisook) in July 2005 and currently holds the rank of 2nd Degree Black (Sifu, earned in March 2014) with more than 30 years training in the martial arts.